REALLY?! He Died for the Opportunity?

IMG_20150710_120647Entering Good Friday tomorrow, here is another case of a bad bumper sticker that I spotted on my dentist’s parking lot a few months ago.  REALLY Jesus died for the opportunity?!  No, he didn’t die for the opportunity!  He died for his people whom the Father has predestined in everlasting.

On his short article on Limited Atonment, Dr. R. C. Sproul wrote, “The redemption of specific sinners was an eternal plan of God…accomplished by the atoning work of Christ.” (emphasis mine)

The ultimate question is:  Did the Father send his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to make salvation possible for everyone, but with the possibility that he died for no one if no one gave him “no chance”, or did the Father send Jesus Christ to die on the cross to ensure salvation for specific people whom he has predestined?

Click here to read the whole article, TULIP and Reformed Theology: Limited Atonement.


Thank you!

At 320,521 miles I bid a farewell to my White VW Jetta today. Bought at around 194,000 miles on June 22, 2010 she had been a very loyal companion on my commute.  She still runs strong, too!

Welcome 2016


New Year

Length of days does not profit me
      except the days are passed in thy presence,
      in thy service, to thy glory.
Give me a grace that precedes, follows, guides,
      sustains, sanctifies, aids every hour,
      that I may not be one moment apart from thee,
      but may rely on thy Spirit to supply every thought,
      speak in every word,
      direct every step,
      prosper every work,
      build up every mote of faith,
      and give me a desire to show forth thy praise;
      testify thy love,
      advance thy kingdom.
I launch my bark on the unknown waters of this year,
      with thee, O Father, as my harbour,
      thee, O Son, at my helm,
      thee, O Holy Spirit, filling my sails.
Guide me to heaven with my loins girt,
      my lamp burning,
      my ear open to thy calls,
      my heart full of love,
      my soul free.
Give me thy grace to sanctify me,
      thy comforts to cheer,
      thy wisdom to teach,
      thy right hand to guide,
      thy counsel to instruct,
      thy law to judge,
      thy presence to stabilize.
May thy fear be my awe,
      thy triumphs my joy.

(taken from "The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers")

Christmas 2015

The Son of God descended miraculously from heaven, yet without abandoning heaven; was pleased to be conceived miraculously in the Virgin’s womb, to live on the earth, and hang upon the cross, and yet always filled the world as from the beginning”
-John Calvin in the “Institutes of the Christian Religion” book II, XIII, 4.


Christmas Piano Recital

IMG_1246On Saturday Tryphena gave a piano recital in which she played “Angels We Heard on High” solo, and she also performed two duets with Adrianne, “O Little Town of Bethlehem” and “The Holly and the Ivy

Today, 21 years ago

w1Twenty one years ago today I married my best friend.
Today she is still my best friend, and the mother of my daughter.
Tomorrow and forever she will still be my best friend.
Thank you, my beautiful bride, for the best 21 years!
Thank you, Lord, for your many blessings upon our family.w2

Let’s Give Thanks

Thanks be to you, O God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
for the faith that your Spirit has implanted in our hearts,
for the love that unites us together in the bond of peace,
for the hope laid up for us in heaven.

Thanks be to you, O God,
for the Word of Truth,
the gospel which has come to us,
and for the fruit it is bearing in all the world.
To you we bring our lives,
because all that we are, and all that we have, comes from you.

Thanks be to you, O God,
Almighty, Everlasting, Eternal,
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

To you be all honor, all dominion, and glory,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


(a Prayer of Thanksgiving at Thanksgiving’s Eve Worship at Covenant URC, Clovis)